Hey guys just a heads up for anyone trying to level a new character or a new prof.
There is an easy way to lv up ur skills rather than running around and killing one by one. Here is how it works. You need to be skinning with either mining or herbalism.I Its a drag but sick cash except that i RAF'd so i dont have ne prof's but thats not the point. Ok you start off by turning Auto Loot off from ur interface *Press Esc key go to interface and its under controls on the very bottom* Then you need to put ur skinning action on the action bar, then find either a Mine or an Herb node. Once you found that u need to kite enemies that can be skin to a relatively close distance to the node id say no further than 30m u kill the enemy near there and loot the body and right click to skin it DO NOT loot the skinning materials you then pull another enemy and do the same thing. Do this until there r about 5 mobs the more the merrier tho. Now wat u need to do is go to the node and use it but be sure not too loot the node. After using the node move to ur first target and target it and use the skinning action from ur action bar and u should re skin the target with the loot popping up again dont loot the mats u then go to the next mob and repeat u do this til u have done all the mobs. You then go back to the node and restart the proccess and so long as u could lv ur skill from the target u will, granted not every single time u do this it will gurantee 1 lv but i gurantee it works if u have questions or wanna see it done just lemme know in game ~ Bblhearth Kicking it old school since Pre BC